
Our Mat Classes are 60 minutes in duration. Personalised rehabilitation and fitness goals will be determined during your Initial Assessment. Your Physiotherapist will suggest classes with the exercises that are best suited to reach your goals, and overcome potential exercise barriers.

How Do I Get Started

Mat Class coincides with school terms, running in blocks 4 times a year. Each term requires registration, we recommend registering asap as our classes fill fast.

You can enrol in Mat Class Here

If you have already taken a Mat Class at Midland Physiotherapy, you can enter directly into the next term of classes without undertaking an Initial Assessment. If you are new to our Studio programmes, please contact our reception on 9274 1482 to determine your specific requirements for getting started.

Current Mat Class Timetable

For more information on booking an initial assessment or enroling in our classes please ring 9274 1482 or Enrol Here