
Career Opportunities
We understand that physiotherapy is an ongoing learning process, where picking up new skills and challenging yourself is critical in making you the best therapist you can be.
We take enormous pride in the care we give to our patients, and to ensure that we can continually do that we have a very comprehensive continuing education program in place for all of our clinicians.
Check out the different education streams below that we have available for all of our Physios.
New Grad Education Program
At the WA Physio Group, our New Grad Training Program covers what we call the Key Clinical Competencies to become a great private practice physio. These may have been touched on at University, but need fine tuning, or may be completely new topics that you haven’t yet considered.
These sessions are in addition to the very comprehensive program that is available to all of our physiotherapists, which includes two two-hour sessions every month with outstanding presenters.
For more information on our New Grad Education program click here.
Ongoing Professional Development
We understand that physiotherapy is an ongoing learning process, where picking up new skills and challenging yourself is critical in making you the best therapist you can be.
At the WA Physio Group, we take enormous pride in the care we give to our patients, and to ensure that we can continually do that we have a very comprehensive continuing education program in place for all of our clinicians.
These follow several streams and are all amazing learning experiences. To learn more about our ongoing professional development programs click here.
Private Practice Apprenticeship
Has your university education set you up to be successful in private practice?
The Private Practice Apprenticeship is a two day course covering many of the aspects of physiotherapy which you need to understand well to be a great private practitioner, but which weren’t taught to you at University.
We focus on critical non-clinical topics such as how to write a good letter back to a referrer that presents you like an expert, how to manage a patient in the workers compensation system, and how to build a quality patient caseload.
To learn more about our Private Practice Apprenticeship click here.