
A blog for healthy bodies


36% of Australians over the age of 50 report having symptoms of dizziness and vertigo. Vertigo can reduce people’s confidence in their balance, lead to an increased risk in falls and make simple daily tasks like hanging the washing, walking through the shops and driving difficult.

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New Blog – Daysleeper

When was the last time you had a good sleep?

On average, humans spend an entire third of our lives sleeping. Just consider that for a moment. ONE ENTIRE THIRD OF YOUR LIFE. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the average life expectancy (or mortality) of an Australian born in 2020 is 84.6 years as a female and 80.5 years as a male. For those of you who reached for a calculator, let me save you the trouble; that means 25.4 years and 24.2 years of sleep for women and men, respectively.

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Midland Physio has been providing leading physiotherapy and allied health care services in Perth since 2002.
