
A blog for healthy bodies

How can I get more flexible?

We all know the old stretching routine – long slow holds, breath into it and let time do the work. This common way works for some people, but many find that they work at it for ages but don’t seem to get anywhere. Is that you?

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How can I improve my core strength? And is it good for my back pain?

The term ‘core’ can be used to describe a wide variety of structures around the mid-section of the body. For the purpose of this blog, the ‘core’ refers to the four abdominal muscles that sit between the ribcage and pelvis on the front and side of the body (this is probably the most common use of the term ‘core’).

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What my cat taught me!

Gee, my cat has a good life. At this time of year, his favourite pastime is basking in the sunlight as the winter sun drops lower in the sky and lights up those spots on the floor which become prime cat real estate.
Between his periods of laziness though, he does a lot. And watching him taught me plenty about what we as humans have got wrong in our modern society. Read more.

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Midland Physio has been providing leading physiotherapy and allied health care services in Perth since 2002.
